
How to Adapt to Social Moderation

Just one inappropriate comment can ruin your brand’s reputation forever. Learn how you can communicate during global movements.

Just one inappropriate comment can ruin your brand’s reputation forever. To prevent it, we want to share with you some tips on how you can navigate online interactions and leverage them to communicate during global movements.

What is Social Media Moderation?

Social media moderation is the process of controlling the wanted (positive interactions or information) versus unwanted (offensive or discriminatory content) on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. It’s essential to stay in control of what your audience is hearing from you- so they can’t put words in your mouth. 

Why does Social Media Content Moderation Matter?

Moderation creates a safe environment.

  • 71% of US consumers say that brands should take a stand on sensitive issues. If you offer support to audiences when they need it most, you build loyalty. In addition- addressing issues that your audience cares about helps build a stronger relationship. 

It provides your audience with a platform they can trust.

  • Social and world events impact your presence and community. When there is high engagement, moderating will ensure healthy interactions between you and your audience, enhancing your brand’s online presence and preventing any destructive content on your social pages.

Moderation helps protect your brand image

  • Implementing moderation will help you reduce the risk of unwanted content while maintaining your brand identity. While not every negative comment is a crisis, the way you approach controversies can help restrain one.

How do you create a strategic communications plan for social media moderation?

Here are three things to consider while creating your strategic communications plan:

1) Perform a communications audit. 

  • It is crucial to evaluate your current strategic communications, and see how your audience is responding to your content and what you are saying.

2) Assess which moments are suitable for brand involvement.

  • Your core values should guide your social marketing efforts and determine when you should or shouldn’t be involved. Don’t involve your organization in an issue just for relevancy, because that will seem superficial and can make your audience feel like you are pandering. Your statements and decisions should be authentic to who your organization is and what you stand for. 

3) Form a proactive plan of action.

  • It is vital to make sure you have a plan for communication in times of crisis to help build support while maintaining brand values. Preparing your steps ahead of time to follow when things get tense helps ensure that no rash decisions are made.
  • Of course, there will be cases when your brand has to stay silent on tough issues, pause publishing, respond to public criticism, or navigate comments that cannot be resolved.

Whatever challenge comes your way, moderating your social media communications based on a solid social media crisis communication strategy and your brand's core values will help you handle any sensitive situation or emergency.

February 13, 2023

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